Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch. 11
Chapter Eleven: The First Great Journey "It is time to go, Your Grace", said the maid from the doorway. Celeise looked up from her poetry...

Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch. 10
Chapter Ten: Troubles Anew Five days later, Percy got another mysterious letter, apparently of the same origin, for he treated it as like...

Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch. 9
Chapter Nine: The First Raindrops When they got back, Alomina went and stayed in her room a small while to give Percy some time alone...

Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch. 8
Chapter Eight: Percy And Celeise Percy looked across the room unseeingly. Princess Celeise was on his mind, and now every time he was...

Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch. 7
Chapter Seven: The Clouds Rolling In One morning, not too long after, Alomina was dining at the palace, for even though her Aunt had...

Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch. 6
Chapter Six: A Different Point Of View... Or Two When they got back, Aunt Cynnia spoke to them of the ball, and what a time it had been....

Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys
Chapter Five: The Second Dance Alomina walked round the edge of the ballroom once more, still searching (and still fruitless). Oh where...

Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch. 4
Chapter Four: A Ball Of Much Importance As their carriage neared the palace, Alomina gasped in awe and wonder, her eyes enlarging with...

Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch. 3
Chapter Three: Before The Ball Alomina looked in the mirror, surveying how the dress would look with her eyes, then laying it down upon...

Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch.2
Chapter Two: Percy's Surprise When they got back, Dricynnia was in the dining room, talking to one of the servants, but when she realized...