The Inklings was a literary discussion group that met on almost every Thursday evening from the 1930's to the 1950's that gathered together in a college dorm room or the local pub. This group was made up of just a handful of ordinary men with a passion for the value of narrative fiction, especially fantasy writing (a fiction genre that was not particularly popular in their time). Readings and discussions of the member's unfinished works were the primary purpose of these gatherings. There were at least thirteen constant members to these meetings, including C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield, Christopher Tolkien (J.R.R. Tolkien's Son), and Warren Lewis (C.S. Lewis's brother), and about fifteen other visitors and guests to their group, such as John Wain, Walter Hooper, and Martin Gilbert.

Now, come on. What writer doesn't wish that they could have been part of such a group, right? I mean, honestly, who wouldn't spend some time with the incredible writers of the beloved Lord of the Rings and the enchanting Narnia series? I would give anything to just go back and sit in with these men for even just a few minutes during one of their meetings. But let's get real for a minute. These men were really not all that extra special. I mean, they led normal, busy lives that would have been fairly average for the day. Many had average jobs, started families, went off to war, and hung out at the normal, indifferent local pubs. So, what exactly did set these men apart from everyone else? The thing different about these men was that their willingness to follow their imaginations, grow in their passion, and understand the value of companionship in everything that they did.
We all know that we would greatly enjoy a group like that. So, why not recreate this idea? Why not have all of us fellow writers come together in one place to share our writing, to encourage one another, and to develop into the writer's that we know we can become. It is simple. It won't require anything more than what each of those simple, average men possessed, an imagination, a passion, and a dose of commitment.
Just submit a piece of your own writing on a specific day every one to two weeks on the submission page and give a little feedback on the other works that have been posted.