The Orb of "Unlimited" Power Ch. 5 - 6
October 2004 ~ Start of the First Snow 506 C. Fileus paced on a flat, rocky plain on top of a mountain in the east. The skies were a...

The Orb of "Unlimited" Power Ch. 4
Chapter 4 KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! I jerked awake. “Lainy! Mom says you need to wake up or you won’t get breakfast!” I squirmed around in my...

The Orb of "Unlimited" Power Ch. 3
July 20, 1998 ~ End of the First Showers 502 C. On the world of Coran in the kingdom of Caledonia, Fileus Hartkins weaved his way through...

The Orb of "Unlimited" Power Ch. 1- Ch. 2
Chapter 1 - September 15, 1997 The day finally came. Evelyn Turner woke up before the sun had a chance to peak over the eastern horizon....