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Alomina or The Book of Many Journeys Ch. 3

Chapter Three: Before The Ball

Alomina looked in the mirror, surveying how the dress would look with her eyes, then laying it down upon the bed and observing the effect delightedly. She indeed became a little girl again almost every time something caught her fancy, no matter how little a thing it was.

She heard a knock on the door, quickly put away the necklace, and answered: "Come in"

Percy entered in a velvety green array.

"I see we are not yet ready for the ball, Mina", he reproved, clicking his tongue in his mock 'proper' big brother manner.

"Oh, Percy", Mina chided him, "You're ready fairly early"

"Yes, but you must start getting ready soon", he said, looking at the shadow in the sky out her window.

"I will then", she said, getting out the necklace again.

"-And I shall go", said Percy, leaving, and all the while playfully smiling for his triumph through setup of a perfect evening to follow the perfect day.

She shook her head. Oh well! Whatever Percy wanted, he always got, at least from her. But, it wasn't exactly any different when she wanted something from him... She shook it again, as though it would make clear her love of her brother. Would they dote upon each other until the end of their days? Well, she smiled to herself, hopefully much longer than that.

"Rowella, Rowella!", Alomina called, awaking into reality again once she heard Percy's footsteps echoing down the hallway.

Then in reply to the call, a rather small maid came in. Mina glanced over those familiar, tiny, little-girl like features again, loving even Rowella's mousy flattering and fussing way right now. Very, very soft-colored brown hair, pretty cornflower-blue eyes that spoke of a curiousness about everything, and a small, roundish, child-like face were some of those little-girl like features. She was sort of short and fairly thin, reminding one of a tiny, decorative teacup, and she came to but a little past halfway up the bed-pole's height as she swept past it. Ah, dear little Rowella!

"Yes, Madam?", she queried in an un-matured, child-like voice akin to her features.

"I need to get ready for the ball, Rowella", said Mina, with an even more increased tone of gentleness in her voice, as she could be at peace with anyone and everyone today.

"Yes, Miss", she said, loosing the tiny braided crown in Alomina's wind-swept hair.

"I am going to be wearing this dress", Alomina said, gesturing towards the dress on the bed which was laid out gracefully.

"It will look very lovely upon you, Miss. Lovely with the Miss's hair, and oh, with your eyes! Dear me it is so very--", began Rowella, picking up the dress delicately.

"--Thank you, Rowella", said Mina, cutting Rowella off kindly before Rowella could get going.

When Alomina was done dressing, she carefully hung the blue pendant around her neck, and began examining every detail about the loose dancing dress. It had a very comfortable silky skirt, that was perfect for twirling (which Mina did indeed do), and loose, silky sleeves. Alomina gave a twirl or two, and giggled ecstatically at the effect.

I wonder what Percy will think, thought Alomina, as she twirled round again happily.

* * * * * *

Percy paced in the hall quietly. He knew Mina would be out any minute, and even though they were perfectly on time, he had been pacing outside her door, (though not for very long) waiting for her to emerge. He did have to get going sometime soon, though.

Then, suddenly, he heard the door open, and he quickly turned around. Alomina walked through the door, down the steps slowly, and stopped in front of Percy smiling. She looked grand enough to be a princess, or an empress, yes, an imperial, majestic figure. He inwardly laughed. Alomina was far too timid and innocent for an empress. No, she would be more like an elf or a fairy, oh yes, a fairy queen! And for tonight, he would be her fairy king, her escort and protector.

Percy couldn't believe how beautiful she was. But then, he could believe it, after all, he had always (even without prejudice) thought she was very pretty. He told her every day that she was beautiful, and he believed it, but sometimes, all the same, she stunned him.

He then realized Mina was a fine, grown lady now, no longer was she the fairy-like little girl of the yesteryear he had known (Well, except the fairy-like part; that would probably never change). He did very sincerely admire his sister. But it hit him that perhaps, one day, he wouldn't be the only one who would, as much as he might not like it.

But at least for the present, (he hoped at least) no duke or baron looked at her with as much admiration as he did. Because if they did, he didn't know what would happen. But they would probably regret it... or probably not. He didn't know what would ever happen if anyone invaded the ray of sunshine Mina and him had created together. He did not know how he would ever adjust if anyone else, even in the far future, ever tried to grasp Mina's heart as only he had it in his hand every day.

"I know I've already told you, perhaps a hundred times, but it is truth enough to be worth saying at least once more, Alomina. You are beautiful", he said sincerely, offering his hand to her.

"Thank you, Percy", she said smilingly, taking the hand that he offered, unknowing that he offered it with a wish to keep a hold of it throughout the night at this elegant party.

But his thoughts ever returned to his lovely little sister. He sighed. Scratch that unfortunately. His lovely grown sister.

Would anyone ever be able to take Mina away? No, no. But he couldn't keep her in her little fairy-hollow forever. Soon she would perhaps realize there was more to the world than the little enchanted place Percy had her living in. Maybe someday she would leave his arm for another. Maybe at this very ball. Who could say? But, perhaps, if not forever, at least at this ball, he could keep her arm, and he smiled to himself that this would be an easy goal to accomplish. How could anything ever distract him from Mina?

And so they they went down the long, sweeping hall, and outside, where their carriage and horses were waiting readily to bear them to the palace. Percy smiled to himself, knowing that he would have the whole night, just him and Mina. Who else could there ever be?

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